About esther

“I never thought I would become a speaker, until that night, I was on the stage, for the first time, telling my story.”
After the event, a young girl with leukaemia said to me:
”Esther, everyone going through cancer has an amazing story. But, not everyone will tell their story, like what you just did, tonight”.
“Esther, you can become our voice!”
At that moment, I found my purpose.
At that moment, I decided to be that voice.“
In 2016, Esther Xu’s life changed forever when she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Up to that point, Esther had led quite a smooth, high-achieving life, ticking off most of her parents’ wish list.
Her recovery journey has been challenging. Not only did Esther deal with the side effects of treatment, but also with depression and loneliness that often accompany very serious illness.
Refusing to be beaten, Esther began a 3-year healing quest that led her from Australia to Mexico, Japan, and eventually Israel. The journey not only revealed to her the secret of healing, but also helped her find the connections she’d always desired – the authentic connections with herself, with others, and with her higher power.
Since first sharing her story at a local yoga festival in late 2018, Esther has shared her message at local health organisations, council and community events as well as on different media. She is determined to be the MESSENGER for CONNECTION & HOPE.
Today as a motivational speaker, Esther is on a mission to guide more people to find authentic connections in this age of disconnection, while also empowering more people to shift from surviving to thriving during uncertainty by reconnecting with their unique power inside.