走出孤立 主题:“与自我连接”; 语言:普通话 Moving on from isolation: A Story of Connection in Mandarin
Online11月12日,星期四 下午2点-3点 当Esther Xu确诊患癌后,周围华人社区对癌症的偏见让她感到格格不入,孤立无援。听她讲述她是如何让自己的身心灵重获新生,以及她从澳洲出发到墨西哥、日本和以色列游历的故事。活动包含简短的冥想。本活动将以普通话进行。 Zoom邀请将在活动前以电邮形式发给参与者,位置有限。需要注册 When Esther Xu was diagnosed with cancer, cultural stigma surrounding her illness in her Chinese community left her feeling disconnected and isolated. Hear how her journey to reconnect her mind, body and soul led her from Australia to Mexico, Japan and Israel. Includes short meditation. Session presented in Mandarin.